Will Rafuse

Will Rafuse was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. After spending many years living on the Prairies he moved to Vancouver, BC in 1986. He received a diploma in Graphic Arts and Illustration from Capilano College in North Vancouver and continued his education at Vancouver Community College receiving a diploma in Computer Graphics and Multimedia. Since 2006 Will lives and paints in Montreal, Quebec.

Intrigued by the works of Modigliani, Gauguin and Balthus, Will works mostly in oils and is known for his bright colours and the slightly animated twist of subjects he paints. His art is in the collection of corporations and individuals around the world.


Will Rafuse est né à Calgary, Alberta. Après avoir passé plusieurs années dans les Prairies, il est déménagé à Vancouver en 1986. Il a reçu un diplôme en Arts graphiques et illustration du collège Capilano à North Vancouver et a continué son éducation au Vancouver Community College où il a reçu un diplôme en Infographie et en Art multimédia.

Intrigué pas les oeuvres de Modigliani, de Gauguin et de Balthus, M. Rafuse peint essentiellement à l’huile et est connu pour ses couleurs vives et la vitalité un peu distordue dont il anime ses personnages. Ses oeuvres comptent parmi les collections d’entreprises et de particuliers partout dans le monde.


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