C.J. Groth


Photographer C.J. Groth has earned both artistic acclaim and commercial success with her stunning photographic images.

C.J. has both Bachelor and Master Degrees in Journalism and Media Communication in addition to holding an M.B.A. She has been a photographer since the early 70’s, but retired from the “real” world in 1998 to devote full time attention to her art.

C.J.’s photographs have a wide following in both the art and commercial worlds. Her iconic images of the Florida Keys and Cuba have won awards in four international photographic competitions. Her photographs grace the cover of the 2004 local BellSouth phonebook and two editions of the literary journal “The Kenyon Review”. In addition, the Key West Author’s Co-op chose her photos for the covers of recent books. Her art has also been displayed in eleven art galleries and is permanently on display at Guild Hall Gallery in Key West, Florida.


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